LG Testimonial
- “Through the winter of 1998/99, I had the experience to utilize the DryAir heating system at a 110,000 sq. ft nursing home in Saskatoon, Sask.”
“We felt this particular project was going to be difficult to drywall, not only because of the size being 110, 000 sq. ft, but because the structure contained 150 different rooms… some very small. We felt that getting the air circulation required to help the curing process was going to be very difficult.”
“The DryAir system was installed and connected to the existing duct work. This allowed for even distribution of the warm, low relative humidity air. As a result, this project turned out to be the best we worked on all winter!”
“The air quality provided by the DryAir 2000 system was ideal for the curing of drywall.
The consistent, low relative humidity air eliminated the normal high humidity problems you encounter on most winter construction sites.
Our curing time was reduced by at least 50%. There were no humidity problems, no drywall staining, no ice, therefore no delays; it was an excellent heating system.”
The improved air quality with the DryAir system also provides an excellent working environment… far better than any other temporary heating system we have worked with in the past.”“The most common alternate method of heating has been direct flame burners. These burners generate large amounts of toxic fumes and water which, in turn creates a very poor working environment. Complaints of nausea and headaches are not uncommon.”
“Because The DryAir system’s central heat source is located outside the exterior of the building, no toxic fumes are introduced into the work area. As a result, the environment is improved. An improved environment, I believe, increases worker productivity.”
“I recommended the utilization of DryAir 2000 portable heating system whenever temporary heating is required.”
Larry Grise, QSI Interiors, Saskatoon, SKSherbrooke Nursing Home Project, 1998/99